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Chicago Mercantile Exchange Trader Jacket Patch - Hammer Stone
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Trader Jacket Patch - Hammer Stone
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Trader Jacket Patch - Hammer Stone
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Our Price: $65.00
Sale Price: $54.00
Vintage Collection

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Product Code: V1019-3

This rare trader patch was from the firm Hammer Stone Trading Co and would have been worn on floor trader jacket to identify the trader with their number. These jackets and patches are very difficult to find.

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange or "the Merc" was founded in 1898 as the Chicago Butter and Egg Board as it primarily traded in agricultural commodities. In 2008 it merged with the New York Mercantile Exchange and other and is now the CME Group and the largest options and futures Exchange.

Chicago Mercantile Exchange / Hammer Stone Trader Patch

  • Embroidered Patch / unused
  • Est age: 1980s
  • 4" x 3.75"
  • Condition: Excellent