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Reader's Digest Production Proof - Rare
Reader's Digest Production Proof - Rare
Reader's Digest Production Proof Stock Certificate- Rare
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Our Price: $298.00
Sale Price: $248.00
Vintage Stock Certificate

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Product Code: OD109

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This rare Reader's Digest Company Stock Certificate production proof from the United States Banknote Company includes the general stock certificate layout with notes indicating changes and alterations, legal language, and details and the plastic transparency that lifts to show the various stages of editing. Reader's Digest stock certificate are rare and their specimens and proofs are exceedingly rare.

This Reader's Digest production piece is rare and a true one-of-one. These proofs rarely make it into the public.

Dated 1992 - Marked ok to engrave; U.S. Banknote Company

Reader's Digest was founded in 1920 and was the best selling consumer magazine in the United States for many years. It lost that distinction to Better Homes and Gardens in 2009. According to Mediamark Research (2006) Reader's Digest reached more homes with $100k+ income than Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Inc. combined.

Stock Certificate Production Proofs / Mock-ups are the design and legal blue print for the stock certificate issue. Proofs were used by the banknote company that printed the stock certificates and executives at the company for review and editing. These proofs helped to design the layout and art on the stock certificate and to assure that all the legal language and design elements were included. Many of these are several pages with clear plastic transparency sheets to allow for notes and directions on subsequent layers. Proofs sometimes have the vignettes and photos taped in place and may even have the original photos included separately. Stock Certificate Mock-ups were always a work in progress so they were handled often and show the wear and tear of the process. These are always truly one-of-ones making each exceedingly rare and don't often make it to the public.