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1782 Treasury Notes for Continental Army Service Signed by John Lawrence
1782 Treasury Notes for Continental Army Service Signed by John Lawrence
1782 Treasury Notes for Continental Army Service Signed by John Lawrence
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Our Price: $198.00
Sale Price: $125.00
Vintage Collection

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Product Code: OD378

This Note was issued to a solider for his service in the Continental Army for one fourth of the balanced due to him with interest. He was owed six pounds, seven shillings and eleven pence. The note is signed by Treasurer John Lawrence who was the Connecticut State Treasurer during the Revolutionary war. Thee reverse has notes of interest payments made on the note as well as the signatures of Richard Butler and William Lawrence.

The note was then center punched when the note was paid in full. Rare piece.

The Continental Army was established in 1775 by Congress after the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War to help the 13 Colonies in their revolt against British Rule. George Washington was the General and Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army throughout the war. In 1791 President George Washington and Secretary of War Henry Knox disbanded the Continental Army and created the Legion of the United States which was largely created from the 1st and 2nd Regiments of the Continental Army. In 1796, the Legion was discontinued to form the modern day United States Army.