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United Fruit Company Stock Certificate - Chiquita Bananas
United Fruit Company Stock Certificate - Chiquita Bananas
United Fruit Company Stock Certificate - Chiquita Bananas
Our Price: $175.00
Sale Price: $122.00
Vintage Stock Certificate

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Product Code: SC1724

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The United Fruit Company was formed in 1899 after the merger of Minor C. Keith's Banana-Trading and the Boston Fruit Company. The United Fruit Company sold fruit grown in Latin American in the United States and across Europe. For years they maintained a virtual monopoly in the fruit trade through their control of territories and transportation networks in Central America in the regions known as the "Banana Republic". The United Fruit Company is now known as Chiquita Brands International.

This United Fruit Company Stock Certificate was issued in 1969 and features a banana tree on the left, a ship on the right, and a women surrounded by tropical fruit in the center.